Welcome !
view on some machines and peripherals

If you are interested in old computer technology, especially the PDP-11 from Digital Equipment Corporation, in short "DEC", I would like to invite you on a tour along my vintage Digital PDP-11 computer systems. In the future, I hope these pages will become a source of information on the hardware presented here, right down to the jumper settings of the boards with clear pictures of them. Of course there will be pictures of all the devices and of the complete systems.
Due to room restrictions (recognizable by many collectors), I have these systems at this moment:

  • PDP-11/05   PDP-11/10   PDP-11/20   PDP-11/35   PDP-11/45   PDP-11/55   PDP-11/70
  • PDP-11/04   PDP-11/24   PDP-11/34C   PDP-11/44   PDP-11/60   PDP-11/84   PDP-11/94
(very "blinkenlight" consoles)
(moderate exciting consoles)
  • PDP-11/03   µPDP-11/23   PDP-11/23 PLUS   µPDP-11/53   µPDP-11/73  µPDP-11/93
  • DECstation 2100   DECstation 3100
  • VAXserver 3100   µVAX-II   microVAX 3800   4000VLC
  • VAX-11/750
  • VAX4000-200   VAX4000-500
How to navigate this PDP-11 site.
Using the "radar" section at the left you can navigate through this site; just click on the folder. Clicking on the name next to a   folder   gives general information, but does not open the folder. To open the folder you must click on the folder itself. To keep an overview of the tree, best practice is to keep the number of opened folders low.
Below the "radar" section you find a "chain" to a page that contains links to other sites with PDP-11 interests. Above the "radar" section is a link to the "update status" of this site.
You can also enter a keyword in the "Google" form and hit "Enter" or click on one of the checkboxes below the query entry line ...

These pages are written to give a bit more feeling for technology advances in the past 30 years, or should I say: more respect for the early machines. Also, for the lucky ones among us who own such a system, I hope to give information on installation and configuration, diagnostics, etc. although this is restricted to the documentation and systems I have. Suggestions, questions and remarks are welcome. I hope you enjoy this site!

I am not perfect, so there could be errors in my texts and drawings. Especially, double check the positions of the location of boards in a backplane; use another site or ask!  I do not take any responsibility for the information presented on this site.

If you appreciate this website for its information and above all for its cleanliness (no advertising junk or annoying pop-ups), please consider a small donation to cover costs of the hired domain and storage. Feel free to enter any amount. Just 1 dollar would be great. My PayPal id is henk.gooijen@hotmail.com .   Thanks for your support!

mail your comment     Henk Gooijen ,   PA8PDP
    The Netherlands
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search terms (all present on this site! PDP-11/04 PDP-11/05 PDP-11/10 PDP-11/20 PDP-11/24 PDP-11/34 PDP-11/35 PDP-11/40 PDP-11/44 PDP-11/45 PDP-11/55 PDP-11/60 PDP-11/70 PDP-11/84 PDP-11/03 PDP-11/23 PDP-11/23+ PDP-11/23PLUS PDP-11/53PDP-11/73 PDP-11/93 PDT-11/150 VT180 MASSBUS RM03 RP03 RP11 RA60 RA81 RM80 RK05 RK06 RK07 RX01 RX02 RL01 RL02 RRD40 RC25 TS03 TE16 TU45 TU56 TU58 TU60 TU80 TU81 TK25 TK50 TK70 PC05 PRS01 DL11-W DEUNA DELUA LPS11 VSV11 VT30H VT05 VT55 VT100 VT220 VT320 VT420 VT510 VT525 RT02 TC220 LA30 LA36 LA50 LA70 LA75 LA120 LA210 DF112 DF124 MDS01 RDM-2221 DECtalk KM11 VAX-11/750 microVAXII microVAX3300 microVAX3800 VAXstation2100 VAXstation3100 VAXserver3100 VAX4000-200 VAX4000-500 VAXstation4000VLC VAXmate PMK05 FTB07 DATAGENERAL NOVA3 NOVA4 6125 Dasher D200 LP2 Datapoint 1550 SBC6120 homebrew PDP-11 homebrew PDP8/i blinkenlight FlipChip tester