Navigation Computer - course entry

The Navigation subsystem accepts entry of a new course in the following methods. Navigation switches and display

Also, the Navigation subsystem can display the following information.

Future developments
Addtions are the display of a trajectory plot on the CRT to show the course through interstellar space with object identifications. This in combination with for example Tactical or Sciences data. Interaction with the plot is possible by using the trackball to position a crosshair cursor on an object and then request for additional information. Short range and long range scan data are combined with info stored in the StarShip's databanks.

Navigation function switches and function request button The request to enter a new course heading always starts by setting the three black Course Functions switches in the desired position and then pushing the yellow Course Request toggle button. The Course Request toggle switch is the switch at the right-hand side bottom section, left of it are the three Course Function switches.

Set course to coordinate
To enter a new course to a specific coordinate in space, the initial position of the three black Course Functions switches must be in the "up" position. When you push the yellow Course Request toggle switch the Navigation Computer starts the "set course to coordinate" dialog.

Start "set course to coordinate" dialog

Remark: the leftmost display group is the indicator for the operational status of the shield(s).

The X-coordinate display changes to a value corresponding to the setting of the grey value switches, and the Y- and Z-coordinate display change to "_ _ _" to indicate the "set course to coordinate" dialog is activated and the entry of the X-coordinate is expected.

The coordinates are entered in binary form with the switches. I know that entry with a (numeric) keyboard would have been easier, but before you know it the whole project uses the keyboard, thus 'degrading' everything to a PC game: just a keyboard and a screen. And that is just what I did not want to build. I am nuts about switch panels and screens, hence my love for the old DIGITAL blinkenlight PDP-11's.

When the desired X-coordinate is entered with the value switches you set the first (left-hand) Course Function switch in the "down" position. This locks the X-coordinate into the Navigation Computer, and the Y-coordinate display changes to the setting of the value switches (which is at this moment still the X-coordinate value).

X-coordinate locked, start "set Y-coordinate" dialog

When the desired Y-coordinate is entered with the grey value switches you set the middle Course Function switch in the "down" position. This locks the Y-coordinate into the Navigation Computer, and the Z-coordinate display changes to the setting of the value switches (which is at this moment still the Y-coordinate value).

Y-coordinate locked, start "set Z-coordinate" dialog

When the desired Z-coordinate is entered with the value switches you set the last (right-hand) Course Function switch in the "down" position. This locks the Z-coordinate into the Navigation Computer. The following events take place.
  1. The Navigation Computer issues a confirmation message in the status line of the Navigation Screen
    (new course to coordinates accepted).
  2. The destination code is set to "XYZ destination".
  3. The Navigation Computer calculates the trajectory to the new destination from the current position of the Star Ship.
  4. If the destination lies within a specific zone of space, a warning message is issued.
    The identified zones in the universe are "Klingon", "Romulan", and "Neutral".
    Note: it is not possible to specify a coordinate outside the mapped universe.
  5. The heading of the Star Ship is adjusted appropriately.
    The adjustment procedure can be monitored on the Degrees Of Movement indicator when the first (left-hand) button underneath the indicator is pressed.

    new course layed in

The "set course to coordinate" dialog can be aborted at any moment by switching the Course Functions switches to any position not described in the sequence. The Navigation Computer issues a course change rejected message (new course to coordinates rejected) in the status line of the Navigation Screen, and the current heading is maintained.

Each X-Y-Z coordinate entry is limited to +/- 1023. This is simply due to the number of switches. The displays can show any integer value between -1999 and +1999. These two "flaws" have been turned into "features" of the simulation.

Set course vector
To enter a new course vector, the initial position of the first two Course Functions switches must be in the "up" position, and the last (right-hand) switch must be in the "down" position. When you push the Course Request toggle switch the Navigation Computer starts the "set course vector" dialog. A course vector is the specification of an angle in the X/Z plane and an angle XZ/Y plane.

Start "set course vector X/Z" dialog

The X-coordinate display changes to a value corresponding to the setting of the value switches, the Y-coordinate display changes to "_ _ _", and the Z-coordinate is blanked to indicate the "set course vector" dialog is activated and the entry of the X/Z vector is expected. If the setting of the value switches holds a value greater than 359, the display shows the letters "O F L".

course vector entry out of valid range

When the desired X/Z vector angle is entered with the value switches you set the first (left-hand) Course Function switch in the "down" position. This locks the X/Z vector into the Navigation Computer, and the XZ/Y vector display changes to the setting of the value switches (which is at this moment still the X/Z vector value).

X/Z vector locked, start "set XZ/Y vector" dialog

When the desired XZ/Y vector is entered with the value switches you set the middle Course Function switch in the "down" position. This locks the XZ/Y vector into the Navigation Computer. The following events take place.
  1. The Navigation Computer issues a confirmation message in the status line of the Navigation Screen
    (new course vector accepted).
  2. The destination code is set to "no destination".
  3. The Navigation Computer calculates the trajectory of the new course vector from the current position of the Star Ship.
  4. The heading of the Star Ship is adjusted appropriately.
    The adjustment procedure can be monitored on the Degrees Of Movement indicator when the first (left-hand) button underneath the indicator is pressed.
The "set course vector" dialog can be aborted at any moment by switching the Course Functions switches to any position not described in the sequence. The Navigation Computer issues a course change rejected message (new course vector rejected) in the status line of the Navigation Screen, and the current heading is maintained.
After a few seconds displaying the entered course vector, the Navigation Position Display information changes back to the current position indication.

Set course to object
To enter a new course to a specific object in space, the initial position of the three Course Functions switches must be in the "down" position. When you push the Course Request toggle button the Navigation Computer starts the "set course to object" dialog.


 >> NAV - destination identification : > _......... <

the 'identification' prompt

The X-, Y- and Z-coordinate display are blanked to indicate the "set course to object" dialog is activated.
On the Navigation Screen a prompt with the text "Enter object identification" appears with an entry field. Using the Navigation Computer console keyboard the identication of the object is entered. Each entered character is filled in lowercase on the entry line.

Navigation / Tactical / Sciences alphanumeric entry keyboard

When the red "XMIT" key is pressed the Navigation Computer performs the following tasks.
  1. The entered identification is converted to uppercase characters to acknowledge the entry.
  2. A search is initiated in its data banks to locate the position of the object in the universe.
    For celestial objects the coordinates are known and the Navigation Computer issues a confirmation message in the status line of the Navigation Screen (new course layed in to {objectname}).
  3. If the destination is an other space craft (either Federation or enemy craft) the Science Computer data banks are consulted whether the object is detected by short or long range sensor scans. This means that the position of all objects outside the detection range, and all cloaked objects, is unknown. As a result, the Navigation Computer issues an appropriate message in the status line of the Navigation Screen ({objectname} not found in any data bank).
When the object can succesfully be located by the Navigation Computer the following actions are performed.
  1. The destination code of the Star Ship is set to "{object id code}".
    This allows the Navigation Computer to update the course of the Star Ship when the object changes its position. The Navigation Computer 'tracks' the object.
  2. The Navigation Computer calculates the trajectory to the new destination from the current position of the Star Ship. If the object changed its position, the trajectory is re-calculated.
  3. If the position of the object lies within a specific zone of space, a warning message is issued.
    The identified zones in the universe are "Klingon", "Romulan", and "Neutral".
  4. The heading of the Star Ship is adjusted continuously (if necessary).
    The continuous course adjustment can be monitored on the Degrees Of Movement indicator when the first (left-hand) button underneath the indicator is pressed. This indicator is located at the right-hand side, mid section.
The "set course to object" dialog can be aborted at any moment by switching any Course Functions switch to the "up" position. The Navigation Computer issues a course change rejected message (new course to object rejected) in the status line of the Navigation Screen, and the current heading is maintained.

Display specified destination coordinate
In the normal situation, the X-Y-Z coordinate display group shows the current position of the Star Ship. As the Star Ship flies through space the position is continuously updated and this is visible on the X-Y-Z coordinate display group. To view the destination coordinate, specified by "set course to coordinate" or "set course to object", set the initial position of the three Course Functions switches to "down-up-up" position. When you push the Course Request toggle switch the Navigation Computer displays the destination coordinate, and keeps this read-out locked for 2 seconds. After that period the X-Y-Z coordinate display group shows again the current position.
When the current course is specified by a course vector, there is no specific destination. On the request to show the destination coordinate the X-Y-Z coordinate display group shows minus signs, "--- --- ---".

Display specified or current direction vector
In the normal situation, the X-Y-Z coordinate display group shows the current position of the Star Ship. As the Star Ship flies through space the position is continuously updated and this is visible on the X-Y-Z coordinate display group. To view the current heading, set the initial position of the three Course Functions switches to "up-down-up" position. When you push the Course Request toggle switch the Navigation Computer displays the current heading. The X/Z angle is shown in the X-coordinate display and the XZ/Y angle is shown in the Y-coordinate display. The Z-coordinate display is blanked. The read-out locked for 2 seconds. After that period the X-Y-Z coordinate display group shows again the current position.

Display Navigation Computer commands quick reference chart
As an aid to the Star Ship captain an overview can be displayed on the Navigation Screen. To get the overview, set the initial position of the three Course Functions switches to "up-down-down" position. When you push the Course Request toggle switch the Navigation Computer displays the overview on the Navigation Screen. However, the actual output will only be visible on the screen if the Navigation Screen is up. The screen itself can also be allocated to other systems.

                    Navigation Course Commands
       0 0 0    Set course to X,Y,Z coordinate
       0 0 1    Set course X/Z - XY/Z vector
       1 1 1    Set course to identified object

                  Navigation Information Commands
       1 0 0    Display destination X,Y,Z coordinate
       0 1 0    Display current course vector [heading]

         (Navigiation function switches: 0=up 1=down)



the 'navigation help' screen